Monday Motivation

This is my archive


Monday Motivation #2 – Giving (and the greatest gift you could ever give!)

19th October 2020

Here’s our second “Monday Motivation” video – a bitesized message of positivity and wisdom to boost your Monday mood and kickstart your week!

Monday Motivation #1 – “GRATITUDE”

12th October 2020

Morning everybody!

Right, I need YOUR help! Can you help spread the word on something super special?

Every Monday I will be releasing a bitesized 5 minute video of positivity and good vibes for kids to watch either before school, or in their classroom to help boost their mood, grow their mindset and bring a little bit of wisdom into their lives!

Here’s the very first one, it’s on GRATITUDE!

Gratitude is a great way to lift our mood, change our internal state and well…just help us feel good!


Would YOUR school like its own unique song?

Our bespoke anthems combine an original song and film that showcases your unique school to the world!

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